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Skinner Layne
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Skinner Layne

Change by Repetition: The Value of Mantra in Everyday Life

Our backlit screens are distraction engines. They trick us about what time of day it is, and they trick us into wanting things we don’t want and into not wanting things we actually need. We are confused, and by that confusion, we further confuse ourselves and each other.

Skinner Layne


The more I have embraced uncertainty, the more unexpected good has come to me — this is Grace, or Serendipity. The acceptance of uncertain futures likewise eases the pain of accepting the certainties circumscribing action in the present, and the immutability of the past.

Skinner Layne

The Principles of Wild Ethics | Part 1

The purpose of an ethical system ought to be to foster, sustain, and affirm life. It is the only conceivable principle that benefits every individual called to live within that system.

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