Accepting complexity means letting go of designing your life, and bravely exposing yourself to the randomness of wild living in the world as it is.
Accepting complexity means letting go of designing your life, and bravely exposing yourself to the randomness of wild living in the world as it is.
There you are, staring into the abyss of the world, paralyzed in the face of all that darkness.
If you wish to live free from fear and worry, do not try to prevent them, but rather prepare yourself. For the cost of your worry is that your joy is diminished, your hope obscured, and your generosity truncated.
Bias patterns are probabilistic, not deterministic. Even adding archetypal patterns, cultural patterns, familial patterns does not get us to a deterministic model, but merely alters the probabilities.
Orientation is about knowing where we are in space and when we are in time.
Our disagreements often revolve around understanding what is true and how we update our knowledge when faced with conflicting information.
No matter how hard one tries to model the perspective of another, it will always be a model, at best a re-presentation of the information and sense data of the world through a hypothetical lens.
Personality is who we are without trying to be anybody, not who we are trying to be.
Good is not the absence of evil, evil is the absence of good.
Learn to suffer, not to panic.
Our backlit screens are distraction engines. They trick us about what time of day it is, and they trick us into wanting things we don’t want and into not wanting things we actually need. We are confused, and by that confusion, we further confuse ourselves and each other.
Our scripts are killing us.
Good is a product of the ethical and spiritual artistry of individuals; it cannot be mass-produced.
You will know when you have healed from your traumas in life when fear is no longer the dominant driver of your behavior, and when you can respond consciously, rather than react, to the world as it unfolds around you.
There is no greater relief in the world than that moment when we let go completely of our expectations.
Learn to suffer, not to panic.
If we want a free society, that is, a society without masters and slaves, then we must first address the causes of slave societies, namely the desire to be a master, and the willingness to be a slave.
All images are lies.
We see not only a world at war, we see worlds at war with themselves.